
For our well-being



Air humidity in the comfort zone 40-60 %

That's why we feel comfortable.

The skin is the largest sensory organ in the human body. It is therefore easy to understand why people with skin complaints such as irritation or itching quickly feel unwell. Under humidified conditions in the comfort zone 40-60 %, these complaints are significantly lower than under unhumidified conditions. Below 30 % relative humidity, the skin's hydration status has been proven to decrease.

Our eyes also appreciate an air humidity of 40-60%. A low relative humidity leads to a significant increase in the eyelid blink frequency and an increase in the evaporation rate of tear fluid.

Did you know that...

... people who work in environments with a humidity of 40-60% show 25% less stress symptoms than people in drier conditions?

Source: Razjouyan et al., 2020: Wellbuilt for wellbeing

The results of a further investigation of the relationship between relative humidity and stress, physical activity and sleep quality indicate that optimal indoor air quality (IAQ) exists at about 45 % RH.

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Better hydration
of the skin

The skin's state of hydration is in the optimal range at an air humidity of 40-60 %. Complaints such as itching and skin irritation are reduced.

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Lower evaporation rate of the eyes

In our comfort zone 40-60 % significantly less moisture evaporates through the eyes. These are thus better protected against dehydration.

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Stress level, sleep quality, activity

A humidity level of 40-60 % leads to less stress symptoms, increases sleep quality and improves the conditions for physical activity.

The optimum air humidity 40-60 %

Effects on the most important factors in our lives.



Comfort zone 40-60 %

The optimal air humidity for our areas of life.


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